Trump vs Harris debate without Ass and Plasma.



Trump hasn't answered a single question with a real answer.

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I think the host is asking the weakest questions first, and ramping them up.
They want to want Trump to lose it.

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this is somehow just worse than watching clown shit between the two old men

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Interesting analogy.

They're both idiots and I'm voting against Trump.

Trump doesn't answer questions but Kamala also doesn't know what she's talking about and emphasizing broad messages like optimism, unity, etc..

This didn't change my opinion from what I saw. Hearing Kamala speak is painful, Trump is a better speaker but I know he's a grifter so I don't care what he has to say anymore.

Kamala is really just... Not that good, but she's better than Trump, but she is still not that good. The election process feels so fucked when these are the best people that end up being chosen to lead the country. Democracy my ass. Too many votes to the sheep.

L for democracy

Seems some kind of -ist but who am I to say


Big W for those of us that don't want crucial government agencies closed in January.

General elections are team sports time. People that fence sit during a GE need to be thrown in a locker and/or given swirlies.

You mean I think her speaking is painful because I'm racist? Lol but I didn't feel like hearing Obama talk was painful so then I'm sexist? Yea, now that I think about it, I've never really thought any female candidates so far have been good speakers because they sound like people who regurgitate practiced lines.

I don't think them being a woman is why I think that but maybe I'm so deeply red pilled I still think I'm blue

it was painful for me - but not because she was incorrect, or hard to listen to or blah blah blah reason.
it was painful because she mostly just spoke the simple reality of trump. and it's sad that her entire candidacy could be formed around saying "we need someone more responsible, more motivated to unite our country, than trump" that's all she really needed to say and it's a completely realistic and valid approach to the office at this point.

and it's sad that it's come to this
our identity is so crippled, social values are so polarized etc

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i'll amend this to say i'm quite happy with how she performed. i just wish there could have been more about her particular vision of the future explored rather than needing to reassure the public that we can at least move on from the immaturity of trump.

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i don't like her

The author said how public schools are trash and people should have school choice and not pay tax for that garbage. I liked that and purchased one of his books

Yeah the bar is so low that I am excited about the chance to still have a department of education in 6 months.

The world you live in now is Milton Friedman's fault lol

Dunno what kind of -ist it is but Kamala ain’t saying anything different from bootyjudge or whoever else neolib dem you wanna quote

I get what you mean but it’s less her speaking is painful and more the reality of the world we live in is painful

Except for her new position on fracking
Like I get it but fuck dude can we get away from killing the earth

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thats what i meant, it was painful just because of that reality

i'm glad she's there doing it, and it's not two old men bickering, but it's still worse for the necessity you know what i mean? like we shouldn't have had two old men bickering in this fashion at all, this year or last election.