xokay heres your simplified group
kkat / insom / bboy
xokay heres your simplified group
kkat / insom / bboy
you know i stay strapped i got the killer instinct gra tatata
Nobody cares incel.
touch women
Lynch | Votes | Voters |
sophie | 2 | Vanilla_Town, theGreatWingdingi |
vanilla_town | 2 | KrazyKat, theodore |
nolynch | 1 | Matticus |
thegreatwingdingi | 1 | bazingaboy |
bazingaboy | 1 | SOPHIE |
insom, J-Crispy, fireworks_over_maynooth, You_lose_i_win, ian,
Majority Vote - 7
if i end up lynched today/tomorrow and we eventually lose and i dont have any mvp Nom Noms this will be a beat for beat recreation of benny's game
active scum taking advantage of inactive town...food for thots..
you're funny, I like you
observational bias and i could be wrong but given that mafia daychat is on a bit of a timer and there's some purported incentive for people to play well, i would not be surprised if some of the most active thread members were scum
It was me all along. I was the scum that gave town the 70% winrate play on a silver platter.
Good point
@mafiabot vote SOPHIE
this one's for that time you muted my account for an entire day for posting some stupid Dungeon Crawler sigmund meme.
See you later loser.
Good point
Well played.
It's not giving it to us on a silver platter if you know town would never take advantage of it.
the real loser probably holds onto shit like that but it's hard for me to say, i don't think i am one.
I missed the part where that's my problem.