Turf War v4

@mafiabot vote vanilla_town

the axis of evil must be stopped

Scum post

@mafiabot vc

Vote Count

Lynch Votes Voters
sophie 3 Vanilla_Town, theGreatWingdingi, You_lose_i_win
vanilla_town 3 bazingaboy, KrazyKat, theodore
nolynch 1 Matticus
bazingaboy 1 SOPHIE

Not Voting

insom, J-Crispy, fireworks_over_maynooth, ian,

Alive Players - 12

Majority Vote - 7


If the new plan is to just shoot everyone including me, let's go back to the old plan and I'll be the first sacrifice.

No. One of the worse players

Congratulations: You are the new Town Leader.


Don't worry, you won't be shot. Ian isn't playing the game - he's too busy giggling in the corner with his new minecraft girlfriend.

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Crispy stop flagging posts

@mafiabot vote SOPHIE

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They won't agree to it is the issue.

Your problem is this:

  1. If you are town, you would know that your plan would never work. Why would you do this?
  2. If you are scum, you would know that your plan would never work. Cause chaos.
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@mafiabot vc

Vote Count

Lynch Votes Voters
sophie 3 Vanilla_Town, theGreatWingdingi, You_lose_i_win
vanilla_town 3 bazingaboy, KrazyKat, theodore
nolynch 1 Matticus
bazingaboy 1 SOPHIE

Not Voting

insom, J-Crispy, fireworks_over_maynooth, ian,

Alive Players - 12

Majority Vote - 7


So be it. +EV to not lose my queen (king) (you)

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Thanks for letting us know. We're looking into it.

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Stay on topic please.

You want me to Not post the fact that I had figured out an optimal town strategy for day 1, and then do what? Pretend like I don't know? Erase my memories?

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