Two Dee Three - Day 3

me, hint taker, reader, maker, and baker
you, hint deaf, hint blind, hint no hindsight

btw i didnt read your post after the first sentence as it didn't contain my name

Oh there is no doubt. That doesn’t mean you don’t also subscribe to those thoughts.

Like your anti Nyte anti women memeing isn’t all that memeingful you know

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I don't understand this video at all

we're too off topic

Not going to watch the video but I think Che Guevara on clothing is badass. Debate me

I don’t understand women.

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Are you just fucking gloating rn

gloating about what?

i have absolutely nothing to gloat about on the mafia subforum.

i actually didnt know about this second part of the definition

kinda yeah.

I mean it was a joke about derailment

understanding women is like understanding politics, its nice but not necessary

Hope you’re gay or whatever


life would be easier if i was

Everyone always says that but it's not true