Underlords Thread

Im talking about mobile version

Hero graphics are pure shit

Yeah tbh it annoys me that they look bad and the game still uses a ton of RAM

altho i heard they optimized stuff today

Lieutenant 3. Game's too easy.

this game is one of the most difficult games of all time

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It is really easy at first but as you level up you really have to know the synergies to place in the top 3.

my issue was that there were too few strats/options but tomorrows update looks pretty promising for that

"This week's update will arrive on Thursday. We're currently wrapping up a few experimental features we'd like to get your feedback on, and they require a bit more testing before we put them in front of you.

Features to look forward to on this Thursday's update:

Warlock Alliance rework.
Warlock Units tweaks.
Shaman Alliance rework.
Shaman Units tweaks.
3 New Items.
Tweaks to the Alliance Items and how they work.
Tweaks to Win and Lose Streaks.
Large Scoreboard.
And some experimental features. 

The week after you'll see the release of progression and what we call the Proto-Battle Pass. This beta Battle Pass will let us iterate on the system with you and get your feedback on what works and what doesn't plus what kind of content you'd like the Season 1 Battle Pass to include.

See you all later this week. "

where can i find my match history?

has underlordsbuff.com popped up somewhere yet


https://www.openunderlords.com/en/ is up but it's a work in progress. Stats coming soon.

Got to grifter 2. Not playing much but it still seems easy at this point.

Still playing this and still having fun. Grifter 4 now.

ive been on break because building alliances just seems like poopoo compared to goodstuff balls and a lategame comp comprised of 4/5g units

they really need to add that DAC mechanic where unbought units are blacklisted so i can get packs that arent filled with garbage

new patch is live

fucking finally

These games are great but RNG controlls who wins.

Boring at higher level competitive when you just get out rng'd

too much rng in dota too?

just dont buy the same shit as everyone else 4Head