Underlords Thread

Also there are only 4 brawny heroes.. jug bm axe disruptor '_'
Warriors maybe?

Unfortunately I couldn't even run this on my ipad cuz it requires like 1.5G ram, i doubt my phone'll be any better and that makes me sad cuz I was looking forward to this feature and previously enjoying autochess mobile

not the biggest fan of the brawny heroes in this game, even with that buff its hard to secure lh for your brawny heroes unless youre running no backline in which case yuoll get fucked later for it. ive only seen orcs successfully work with like beastmaster hunters n axe+bd

mages toptier lategame build
goblins second if you can get all the shit together but you can transition from gobbos if its not workin out

humans are undead is the best class trait

How similar is underlords to auto chess mobile balancing wise?

Brawny seem a lot weaker in auto chess you get 250 for 2, 350hp for all 4.

late game you almost MUST have big ultimates to win.
Tidehunter, disruptor, medusa, kunka, enigma

I had full knights 2 star and hunters and got rekt pretty hard without big ulties

kotl feels pretty strong rn

feels like everytime im against him i get destroyed

He feels nerfed from dac, maybe it's just me

I had a 3* jug with brawny passive and 45 kills kek... i think if you can get your units upped early and fast then they can get last hits np. Axe is a tricky one but bm and jug should manage to get some dope hp boosts. I did 4 last night and i find axe and disruptor were pretty meh...

This is still true, all th big ulti heroes are good pics. I guess balancing wise things are still the same, except goblins aren't as much of a meme now and they kind of messed up Knights Primordials and Druids. I think they'll tweak knights to be better, change the effect of primordials to not be so passable, and idk they should really revert to Old Druids I thought that was more fun. Trolls arent as strong since Dazzles not there. Fukcton of warriors isnt as good with no god buff and the dmg buffs to other classes.

They put more effort into trying to balance new units added like SK, slark and the items you get from the creep rounds (theyre totally different/stronger than they are in autochess and include money bonuses, class bonuses, etc).

I got faith in the balancing but it feels like they are missing. from what I've heard it sounds like Bruno is handling all of this


i guess they fixed half the things i was complaining about already

what did they do to dragons oml

I guess dragons have secondary abilities instead of full mana on start now? corrosive skin sounds good but idk about the rest, maybe pucks phase shift is good if he shifts on incoming spell or something. its still awkward as fuck going dragons while there are so few. maybe assassins knights can be good.

im more confusedt by the scrappy changes. why did they do that? i dont remember the old numbers, is it any better?

@faz if you missed dynamic meta changing patches theres a really good case for underlords. they plan on rotating heroes out and items between seasons and theyre changing how shit works regularly

dragons buffed
mages nerfed
scrappy nerfed
knights mega buffed
predicted meta
1:dragon knights
4: troll knights
5: assasin primordials
6: goblin mech

i was gonna say dragon/knights/assassins since u have a viper and a dk, unless you go knights and mages.. i almost dont see the point of getting all 3 dragons anymore so either puck/dk or viper/dk.. dont see a scenario where you go assassins mages
i still don't like the knight changes idk

i rarely was lucky enough to go gob/mech so im not sure :(

puck over viper

Mages and dragons are pretty strong

This game looks like complete ass compared to auto chess mobile i didnt even last pass round 3
