
Hello boys, I have quit my job and now make no money, have no insurance, and people in my life are flaming me, but forget about that because now I have time again.

Precious time which I desperately wanted back so I went to extreme measures to claw it back. Time for what though? What's so important? People kept asking.

Time to come here and play mafia, get back into Dota, and crawl back into the comfortable cesspool I formed inside of my head.

Life is short, so I think it's better to live a life of excitement than safety therefore I hope to find that here analyzing your cryptic poasts claiming to be vanilla towns. Really stupid town, or mafia mastermind?

Find out on the next episode.


Good stuff man. you still in malaysia or are you stateside?

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you admitted you are voting for kamala this election, and now you are admitting you are unemployed, theres something related there


I'm back in LA right now staying at my mom's house. My dad died in nov shortly after I left to malaysia so I came back in January to stay w her but I am going back to Malaysia in Oct after I visit Taiwan and Korea.

I think I am gonna finish my masters program online while I am traveling and also try to build a game using Godot to get experience and then try to apply for funding / grants to make educational or corporate style software for health checks or something, or something more ambitious like a control system for electric utilities which is where I was working in because the shit in the industry is hot garbage but not sure about that because the politics and corruption is what drove me to quit but at the same time I was good at it LOL but I can't live with myself anymore doing this shit.


Kamala VS Trump, it's a no brainer.

Almost anyone is better than Trump. If it was Haley VS Harris, I'd consider Haley. DeSantis VS Harris, it's a tie. My choice this election was Ramaswamy but the world isn't ready for my â– â– â– â– â– , he's too fucking real that they can't deal.

Be careful with online degrees. I'd only trust a public college that offers them. I tried a private one in my early 20s and it was a huge scam.

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Oh for sure, i was getting my comp Sci degree at Georgia tech, the program is legit but I fell off during covid and never finished it. It's also super cheap. One of the cheapest online masters programs around which is why I picked it.

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One of my coworkers is doing exactly that from Japan through Georgia tech. Seems good.

Was comp sci a bachelors and full online and what hoops did you have to jump through for it

So ur gay

Does America do anything besides office work and retail


Where do men work?


It’s just what we’re good at. I’m pretty sure Europe isn’t that much better about teaching applicable skills

All those “real men” here atleast went to trade school instead of getting a tradegree

all blue-state american men work in tech. The jobs are so physically unstimulating that they invented 'cold plunges' just to feel alive again.


check for construction helper jobs. Ur basically a grunt but everyone always needs that.

I work as what used to be called an engineer but is now called mechanic

ur asking about where to find jobs u â– â– â–