
I'm Argentinian lolz~

Javier Milei #1 go be a farm hand or go be a construction helper still same difference.

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Nope, my bachelor's was in person eons ago in 2006-2011 in electrical engineering, I applied for the MS in 2017 after I had a mental breakdown when my boss said something along the lines of me not being smart enough for a promotion so I went into the GT program and aced it then got a job offer as a senior engineer. I proved to myself I am good enough so I don't give a shit what other people say anymore so I am gonna just do what I wanna do now and stop letting the haters and scared pussy bitches throw shade.

Get out there and go get it. I was always non neurotypical and working in the office always was a struggle from the work scheduling to having to kinda always control myself to act professional and dress professional etc.. This always led to me feeling like there was something wrong with me because it never felt easy and never was easy to do what seemed to come naturally for some people to just march in and out of the office everyday, same time, attend meetings everyday and just talk nonsense and get nothing done. I decided a while ago I didn't want to keep doing this for another 10 years because it was miserable, walking into the same place to pretend and be someone else and then having a few hours to be myself and sleep and do it again. A lot of extra energy to not cuss people out too for making the same mistakes.

Over the last year I have really lost it, and started snapping at people because I don't care about being fired but they didn't fire me, but they weren't happy either so work became this really toxic place where people don't communicate or do this petty hate shit of ignoring emails, not attending meetings, or scheduling meetings last min right at the crack of dawn knowing I'm not a morning person :joy:

I'm worried because I won't have income but I got savings I can use, and that's really what it is there for. I realize I was just working and staying home all day hoarding money and being miserable because I had no energy to do what I wanted after spending it all dealing with corporate culture.

I'm not gonna say I recommend what I am doing of quitting work but if you're like me, and willing to live in a 3rd world country based on which currency rate is popping then maybe, but it's a nomadic life and lonely when you are in a country where you don't know anyone, too much for some people but I accept it because I really love what I am getting back in terms of feelings of freedom.

I grinded for 12 years and got savings and corporate jobs are fucking good in terms of pay and benefits so I don't discourage yall from working them. You do have to deal with a lot of stress and shit but it overall makes you into a more resilient and mature person, but once you obtain that skillet I don't see any benefit to continuing to expose yourself to that shit stress like corporate lifers who are too scared to quit their comfy life.

But no number will ever feel 'good enough' which is why I can see everyone working so long.. But I have better retirement right now quitting than most people do in their 60s so that helps put my mind at ease that I can afford to take the time off and not succumb to an anxiety attack.



Based non lounge blogger. He use site as he please


Hedonic treadmill or something