USA/ Canada terrorist attack?

Boston kind of teeters on that precipice of going full liberal, embracing crime, and trashing the city but luckily there are enough people who are still kind a normal to pull it back

SF leaned in too much on the weirdness and now they can't find solid footing anymore to say "actually maybe it's bad to have open air drug markets, theft, and defecation in the streets

And lastly if it did go real bad I would probably go to Miami or somewhere where they didn't go batshit crazy after the BLM protests/COVID

maybe I should've done that right off the bat and skipped taking the poison vaccine and damaging my heart lining. Guess we'll find out in 35 years

But yea I like my life here but there's always an eject button

No I’m back in LA for thanksgiving, I’m in Boston for at least another year

Boston is not particularly bad compared to other cities around the country but it has its moments of urban decay and the trajectory of the city in general I don’t see getting any better and I likely think it will get closer to places like LA and SF rather than farther away from them. Demographically Boston still benefits from being like 70% white so you just don’t have the massive black and Hispanic ghettos you get on the west coast which kind of turns a lot of these cities into patchy neighborhoods of high crime areas next to nice areas and then congregations of minorities going into regions where white people work and visit on vacation in order to scam them or steal money from them

But again Boston and New England in general is just part of the general trend of cultural enrichment by minorities that leftist open border globalists have been pushing for 15-20 years and the demographics are still trending to a less white people and Asians and more 3rd worlders type of thing which is just going to turn the city into a big shithole eventually

Big eye opener walking through the southie projects (traditionally Irish working class neighborhood) and seeing a bunch of Puerto Ricans

industrialized nations experience population booms followed swiftly by drastically lower fertility rates. it's just what it is no amount of kicking and screaming will change it. move to fucking greenland or something

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we can crowdfund jones' flight considering his financial situation

Hispanics in the US and Muslims in France/UK

Also birth rates being above replacement rate for immigrants while below for native populations on top of insane immigration results in rapid changing of demographics over a generation

people like living in california. anywhere you have massive populations there are going to be ghettos. don't talk about europe they fucked themselves

that's literally what i said. as people assimilate into our '1st world' lifestyle fertility rates tend to plummet

i mean yns is a perfect example. plenty of money to travel the world, live in different cities, fathered 0 children

You’re making an assumption about birth rates when this large scale immigration from the third world into the first world has never happened before, you don’t actually know for a fact this will happen, and I think Hispanic births increased in the US and Muslim births are still staying around 3.0 in the UK/France. Also assuming Muslims assimilate is hilarious

you keep mentioning europe when i told you not to

I’m stuck with a gf who wants to wait until she graduates from her masters before we have kids

just a statistic now bro

Why would I not mention europe which is arguably going to be worse off than us if they don’t cut this shit out

I’ll pop like 3-4 bastards out if I need to

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