USA/ Canada terrorist attack?

ridley scott been down bad for a while now


fwiw i will be seeing it this weekend

I thought it was good wtf I gotta look into it

why don't you like
go to fucking bed
look at this thread

Dublin terrorist attack @thesimplepleasuresofthepoor

If Africa wasn't so tribal and corrupt and commie they could be rich af

I actually like Africans from Africa they aiight

My kingdom :soychamp:

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I went to a tech school for post secondary. It's all binders. School said 0 tolerance for cheating and yet they let them all cheat.

The binders would graduate and work for less than minimum wage. It's fucked up tying to compete against that. They are supposed to prove they have enough $ to survive and now are going to soup kitchens.

They get away with all this shit because they pay 3x the admission fees.

My issue isn't with them. My issue is the fucks in charge letting them clearly get away with all this shit.

I had a Japanese course as an elective. Only white guy in the class. During exams everyone was cheating so badly that the teacher literally stood up at the front of the class and turned her back to us.

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