USA/ Canada terrorist attack?

that's why i related it to calling north africans 'blacks'

You got any examples of any like really black people not bordering with Egypt that invented the wheel, like maybe some nigg az down in the Congo inventing some dubs to put on their ride back in the day

im not well read in african history but i know the teste fly ravaged south african livestock so manufacturing wheels wasn't that practical as they couldn't rely on animal labor. idk about the near sub saharan cultures like the ghana, mali, or songhai but they were far ahead of their time in metallurgy if no the wheel

Mud huts homie

Anyways, no I’m not worried about Africans industrializing and taking over the world

read a book ■■■■■■

you should read mein kampf

i did

Nice what were your thoughts

it's mostly the ramblings of a deranged traumatized man who couldn't accept that his team lost

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Eventually I’ll stop saying it’s so over and start saying we’re so back

he killed white people

are Russians white

I’m just kidding yeah he killed a lot of white people

Man’s had a vision for the future didn’t work out but can’t knock a man for trying

napoleon was way cooler

Yeah napoleon was a cool guy

Didn’t they release a movie about him or something recently

Might have to go with my gf and watch it

ridley scott directed it apparently it's atrocious except for the visuals

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