USA thread

Yeah, you're a complete moron. Sorry.

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whether to use a more pragmatically-based or a more "foundational" or deontological or whatever ethical framework is part of the issue

i believe a big part of jones' perspective is that the foundational version is better (and is generally the perspective of pro-lifers)

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Jones is not a pro-lifer.

didnt say he was

the "pragmatically-based" is as I said before, dumbfuck utilitarianism

“pro life” is such a misleading and bullshit title for anti abortion hardliners

no thats the thing, that's like their main angle from their own perspectives

all life is sacred, life begins at conception, irresponsible moms should have to be responsible for their decisions and not get to snuff out life for their own convenience, etc

and most of them end up making concessions on rape/risktolife caveats (and the ones that dont just kind of pretend those issues dont exist or downplay them)

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Well the fact is rape/risktolife is often not a good enough reason for an abortion in Texas as is, and risk to life is reserved until women are literally septic, and many die

that’s not pro life

it’s just bullshit religious dogma masquerading as philosophy/ethics

that’s the whole issue with this ruling, the states can now do whatever they want - and whatever they want is going to involve a lot of cruel and unjust bullshit


you're a clown dude.

maybe it used to be ‘most’ of them making caveats on those things but in this new era of right wing fanaticism I’m not so sure. and even less so when it comes to the people actually making the laws

I believe in a federal government having the right to impose laws that reflect the opinions of the majority, I’m not a federalist

75% of americans support legal abortions, and the supreme court just scumfucked them in the most anti democratic way possible

no, you believe in construing whatever legal framework into doing whatever it wants in order to make you feel good

that’s actually what you’re doing

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you can't even make up a cohesive philosophical system for why your beliefs are correct

Me and the boys after Wade wins in Roe Vs. Wade.

I don’t need to