USA thread

because you're a moron and you don't require actual evidence to build your world view

I don’t need a ‘comprehensive philosophical system’ to know that states rights is and always has been a bullshit argument

there are no logical machinations in your brain: you just do what confers you some sense of status and emotional benefit.

and you have no empathy for other human beings


there’s not more sense in that, and I made like 5 posts explaining why

are we just going to pretend things didn’t get significantly better for people after abortion was legalized? is that what we’re gonna do?

have fun with that

@iaafr kill yourself

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that’s the neat thing about being correct, you don’t need to arbitrarily turn things into ‘philosophical debates’ for no reason,
or hamfist ‘logical machinations’ into a sentence to give off some bullshit pseudo intellectual vibe

@iaafr kill yourself

i dont even disagree that some of the arguments that utilitarian-minded ppl make for abortion seem off

like a lot of them basically automatically assume the womans life will be worse off if they go through with having the child for the sake of supporting abortion as an option

or like hold up how difficult it is to raise children as a good reason to give up on raising them entirely

i personally have no horses in this race though

have no sound ethical argument -> appeal to utilitarianism

sometimes i cant tell how much nma hates me or is ok with me

our perspectives are often similar tbh


he just said he would rather spend the forum with insom than you

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not 3 minute before you psot that

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My wording was "Spend the rest of my life with"