USA thread

you're just not annoying enough

i favor the autistic blunt crassness of jones posts to the ironic memery of osiris posts, just like personally

i have issues with everybodys worldviews on everything but dont actually care to talk any of it out

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■■■ typing - erasing

dnt know how to come clean about your lounge gosssip threads


i can make one if you want

actual evidence, like how many people actually get late term abortions just because they feel like it? oh wait, you said that doesnt matter

about the fact the law is written that way to prevent right wing law ratfuckery preventing abortions? you didn’t respond to that

the fact that women in texas are dying of sepsis because ‘medically necessary’ can be arbitrarily made to mean “literally not until you are on deaths door” , and nurses and anesthesiologists are afraid to even do these procedures for the ‘aiding and abetting’ law they can be prosecuted under. or that this will certainly become common practice in other states

you didn’t acknowledge that either

see that’s the thing, I don’t need a philosophical framework when common sense does the job just fine in this case

Realizing the futility of responding to any one of these posts

Here Jones I'll give you lounge access and you can see for yourself.

yeah I really need to participate in the "public humiliation of jones" with iaafr and jdance and krazy kat


You just have to see that it's nonexistent right?

nmagane is mafia


lmao the photo is right there dude i dont know what you did in your littel admin panel

What'd I'd o

i have a feeling we're pretty close on worldviews but i estranged you with passive aggressive and bait posts and you had that one week where you were on the rag and i told you to stop wasting your anger

Do not be fooled by web inspector trolls

i have a feeling we're pretty close on wordlviews (we all believe the same thing, hold no interesting positions, are completely milqutoaste)

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i have a feeling we're pretty close on worldviews (beliefs are the complete path of least resistence)


Don't talk about my iaafr like that

Nmagane post The TS