USA thread

this is how psychopaths think in case that wasn’t obvious to anyone

“you don’t actually care about other people it’s just a form of mental masturbation and virtue signalling!!!”

@iaafr kill yourself

"they've been laughing about you in the lounge"

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not rly understanding the angle here

I'm gaslighting Jones in ts into thinking that everyone is mocking him and laughing at him in the longe hahaha

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list of names that are making fun of me in the lounge

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Your being trolled

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agreed. tbh pretty incredible how long it has lasted as is

surrendering super power status in a globally connected world is a scary proposition though and stuff like that only really occurred during monarchic succession or outside powers breaking up a country

note how i havent posted in this thread


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dump the thread for me

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Will be generating SQL Dump over the IRC.

it doesnt exist

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kill yourself


i cant tell if this started bc jones actually started believing im shittalking him in lounge or some other reason (that ive been unable to make guesses at)

you are too much of a pussy chink to shit talk anyone you ■■■■■■

not true