USA thread

"never actually happens" LMFAO

there are literally "leftover men" in china because of selective abortion in regards to the one child policy

also it’s just the classic bullshit right wing fallacy “we can’t allow ___ or ___ might happen”

we can’t allow welfare money or people might spend it on drugs

we can’t allow abortions or people might get unnecessary ones

it’s dumb kindergarten tier shit

sex-based infantacide has been occurring for literal centuries

we should get to the real root of the problem: you're a white trash ■■■■■■ incapable of philosophical thought

that’s unfortunate but it’s also not a reason to ban abortion

I meant it doesn’t happen in the US because women in the US have the chance to succeed and live great lives

okay, and there's an actual development.

there are MORAL INJUSTICES that abortion entails but the benefits it offers make up for that

yea, the problem is when you try to quantify the injustices and benefits you greatly exaggerate one and ignore the other

well, murder is pretty much an agreed upon bad thing.

infanticide has pretty much been regarded as bad since I don't know, 2000 years ago?

there either has to be a right that has some primacy over the fetuses right to "not be killed" or there has to be some utilitarian argument made

Abortion is not infanticide

yeah it is.

No it's not (semantically)

Claims to hate the federal government

Talks about how the federnal government should tell you whether you can kill your own baby or not.

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My Wife can kill her Baby WHENEVER she wants.

wow, you're a ■■■■■■■

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I actually love philosophy but the abortion issue isn’t a ‘philosophical discussion’ nor do I have any desire to engage with you in that way

the USA became a better place after abortion was legalized, less women died getting them, ir became safer

the end

because you can’t even ban something like abortion, you can only restrict it

having it banned in certain states and not others just means women with more money can travel to get them and others can’t which is pointless class discrimination

and saying ‘if you dont like it just move’ has
always been a shit argument, people cant choose where they are born, teenagers cant move on their own and some adults cant afford it

so saying ‘its fine if certain states have awful regressive policies because others dont’ isnt an argument either

abortions will still happen, they will just kill women more often. all you are doing is banning safe abortion

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