USA thread

Idgaf about his takes he's making me look at awful shit to get himself banned like a child

I truly hope a civil war breaks out so we can begin the political cleansing of America through violent massacres of civilian populations in areas dominated by democrats

If we simply shot all people who are on the left this country would get 10x better overnight

I don't understand what the problem is with letting states decide whatever they want.
This is a discussion beyond abortion or gay marriage. What if Alabama wants to constitute mandatory Rape Torture to get your driver's licence? Let them.

Sounds very unlikely but if it were to happen we would probably be fucked yeah

I’m fully mentally prepared to kill unarmed women children and men that vote Democrat or have registered to vote as a democrat

Can you just be chill with killing undeveloped fetuses then

He wouldn't shoot pregnant women.

NMA has convinced me allowing abortion in blue states is the best course of action, aborting the fetuses of leftoids as a form of eugenics is a good idea and will save our country in 300 years

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I will shoot pregnant women reluctantly if the civil war breaks out

I won’t enjoy as much as I would enjoy shooting non pregnant leftist women


the entire libtard facade breaks down if there is any dissent allowed whatsoever

Doesn't it also only exist if there is a form of (manageable) dissent allowed?

If a tree falls and nobody hears it and so on and so forth...

Bill of rights violations

Don't know what that is. Don't care.

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it is the same concept as the prague spring and the invasion of czechoslovakia in 1968.

Abortion isn’t covered in the constitution