USA thread

Please don't forget to mention that: he's a puppet of the Russian state and illegitimately won the election in 2016.

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Not sure what more can be said to change your mind when its in the fucking court ruling itself

Keep being a contrarian moron though


thanks, I won’t

For that reason, in future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell.

How much more clear could this be for you?


Any comment man

Griswold? Obergefell? Are you talking about America or Azeroth?

Thomas getting rid of interracial marriage would just cement him as the most based human to ever live.

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Things like this make me so optimistic for America's future.


You are a living symptom of this countries horrible qualities shut the fuck up

Jones and Jdance are both right.

I’d like to smugly recommend people move to Canada but I can’t do that, our country fucking sucks too

Jdance has been given a timeout for racism

How long till the riots?

Is the meme I'm seeing on the twatters

Christ fuck you jdance. Get on some medication dude

I can’t believe Jdance truly believes killing babies that suck their thumbs in the womb is a fundamental human right lmao this is what mental illness does to you

Notice how Jdance becomes mentally ill then freaks out when abortion is given back to states to decide and starts calling for a civil war over roasties killing children ahahahah

Hey Jdance kill yourself AHAHAHAHHASH