were so back dota bros

i'm so miserable and hateful

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We all do our best.

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dumbass primitive brain shitwads that pretend to write about abortion law as if they aren't sexist and don't hate women's pleasure and happiness

i wonder who the miserable hateful ones are?

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Abortion? Sorry - I have nothing to do with that. I'll take a leave here.

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Seek help.

nmagane has never spoken well of me "behind my back" i'm not sure why you would propose anyone thought otherwise

Actually I do.

it wasn't directed at you. you are an unbiased bystander, nothing more

literally no one believes this

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Jones just doesn't share the times I do because he just gets mad.

he simply gets mad(tantrums) when you don't seethe and mirror his hateful rhetoric. this pattern is easily observed all over the site.

not the same as saying - or believing positive things about someone.


one might argue the motivation you have is to make him seethe. why would you wish to do that?

Sorry we're busy trying to get nmagsnes turns on

I personally am neutral towards all parties. I am working towards the overall happiness of the world.


u don't believe in happiness

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We are the masks we wear.

I'm a big proponent of women's pleasure and happiness.