were so back dota bros

retard who plays 1 game of dota a year tries to lecture me on patch history.

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I am never miserable when I play dota because I only play 10man inhouse lobbies with my best friends. You are projecting your own misery and lack of spirit onto me.

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total cope and aboslute lies


this patch is awesome and great

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the Inhouse (guys in orange) the Valve (Guys in the Arcteryx jackets).

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Accurate depiction of the type of people woh play inhouse nowadays (explains the obsession with 40 year old nyte)

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Not false

You really love gatekeeping eh

It's not gatekeeping to tell you to shut up when you're just being confidently ignorant and wrong.
You're only posting to boost site engagement metrics.

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No YOU are only posting to boost your personal engagement metrics.

Somebody tell me what talents add to dota. The talent tree shit

Built by autists, for autists. They lost sight of the core gameplay loop that makes dota fun (if there ever was one)

The facet or whatever (the one you choose after drafting) sounds good to me though

Retard discord gamers really love and enjoy getting to choose between +3% hp or +3% damage

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Remove all talents

Remove the neutral item

Remove all new items that arent adding something interesting to the game

Combine the innate ability and "faget" into one - call it Aspect

Every hero can select Aspect at the start of the game which changes its playstyle a bit for that game. Sometimes those can be the passive abilities or whatever. Sometimes it can be like - do you want to play tanky centaur warrunner or running fast centaur warrunner


Dota was the true autism game

Like if there is anything in the world that can make you autistic, it's dota

You can catch asperger's by playing dota and random queuing into the wrong teammates

When I started dota I was in college and I had heard about it from this one guy in one of my classes who was so clearly and unnervingly socially maladjusted (call it aspergers personality or whatever) and I was like I'll never play this game

By the end of the year I was playing it and skipping classes and I could feel it leaking into my personality. Toxic waste. Everybody in these games is like this. It's all the same unnervingly socially-unaware, snooty personality - like "You didn't know the Bane of Chamalamalon item gives you +5 boost to magic spell damage and instead bought the Sword of Sorrows? You FUCKISINFD IMBECILE. You Are Griefing. You Are Griefing. Don't Walk There. Level Your Stun. I Cant Believe We Lost"

It comes from this sense of desperation, of needing the win in the game because it's a game where if you play enough of it that you can win, you are probably neglecting things and disappointing people in your life, and you just need one good thing to go right. You need a certain autism-prone personality to begin with to memorize all the nonsense. It's not a fun game - it's a game for people who want to hurt themselves but aren't man enough to slit their wrists. So instead we sit in a 5v5 team game with autistic randoms, trying to hold back the tides of nerd rage and temper tantrums, filling our heads with arcane knowledge that will never help us connect with our peers or women and only drag us deeper into the hole.

This is why the goy club is obsessed with nyte. The one woman who ever played dota. The only one who could possibly understand them in their fallen state and, perhaps, pull them out of the hole in the ground their years of autism and failure has dug them into.

DotA Gameplay Update 7.36

  • She is not going to save you. Nobody can save you but yourself.


Ahahaha, I chose Fire Aspect Lina! It looks like you're Toast!