were so back dota bros

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sir, this is a morty's


I actually did try slitting my wrists because of dota once. I made a tiny cut and stopped immediately after i saw blood. I don't know how so many women do it so easily.

I accidentally slashed open my left wrist when i was like 13 and it's not a pleasant memory.

Based and Illidanpilled

I can't believe i'm the one put in a mental hospital for "Psychosis" when this guy comes up with shit like this.

Nyte is like an older sister to me.

literally no one in the in house cares other than jones, and occasionally chris cries on the mic about women playing dota (he cares he's just trying not to appear so deranged)

She's literally deranged -- I've played like two games of DoTA2 in the past year; she's played "inhouses" (2024 literal whos) for 6 months and speaks like she knows anything.

Myself? A near decade of experience. Basically an SME. I can name almost all the inhouse troons/women: Matryoshka, Tio

I can guarantee after the first week nyte started using mic it was "WOOAH A GIRL" from the likes of SDK and Cosmo but then everyone figured out she's an old, haggard, forced 50 shitter and she's settled into a position of getting carried by some pseudo-autist/high skill male (Marski) while being extremely passive aggressive and annoying.

Alternative ways to balance champs in an effort to create a more balanced product Perhaps

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Yeah I wish my girlfriend hadn't broken up with me because now I have to eat the fucking garbage I cook


Too relatable go back to being schizo

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The real reason is that "man wants to fuck a fish-like creature" is just creepy and weird. It's a perversion film

If you're looking for perversion films you have like Her or the one with Oscar Isaac falling in love with the android

And again, the difference there is that the "monster" is still extremely polished/attractive and not at all monstrous (in appearance - instead monstrous in personality)

Goes back to a deep difference in what is "attractive" in a man/woman - man: he looks like a monster, but is in fact a good person. I can redeem him. woman: she basically does not exist as a real person, has no personality other than the one I coded, the emotional intelligence of a 4-year-old child and might try to kill me at random. But I can fuck her

You've been trying way too hard in this thread.

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what does he mean by this?

that last post is the only sense he's probably ever made in the last 5 years


Would 1v1 permaban your ass LOL


Ex Machina is another good example.
But he didn't fall in love. the other guy did.

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