were so back dota bros

I got dumped because I was too MAGA. My dinner now? PBJ. Fuck!!

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What if we can't agree on something! What will my coworkers think about you! I feel like I need you around all the time to feel safe -- I don't like that.

Just some braindead bipolar affirmative action woman who does this nonsense at 30 years old. Now instead of eating the finest n*gger cuisine I'm going HUNGRY.


Upon walking in and finding my stuff in a moving box, I now know I should have 100% unpacked it and put it right back where it was. Just a winning move.

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I'm so fucking hungry.

I tried to make some tomato pasta soup and it was inedible lmao.

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Have a good night

How can you fuck up tomatoes and pasta?

does she know you express things in this manner? or is this all some hidden life you live inside your head and on the internet, while calling other people

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What did jones say or do to get broken up with

What did he mean by this

right, can't use those brackets

(((insert mental health issue that suits your whimsy)))

The premier nanny-state longhouse thinker resides on this forum.

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are you an alien? be honest


Good morning everyone.


The combination of getting your head beat in for a decade worth of dota games and then cooking yourself in the California rays has really turned you into low IQ tard.

It's amazing that a piece of leather can lane so poorly.