What up

never cut it off with your other hoes, because you dont know who else that woman got treating her.

Is there a barrier to entry for that kind of thing? What kind of net worth do you need to qualify? Or is it one of those things where if you have to ask then you can't afford to be a sugar daddy? And if that's the case what are the max income limits to qualify as a sugar boy?

its easy to meet women without paying them. they want sex more than men.

I want well endowed women (fiscally & physically) to pay me to have sex with them.

Not if you're a 5 foot chinese cocaine addict with the social intelligence of a koala bear born in captivity

Oh my god. I can't play mtga draft. Shit's too real.

Oh my god. Dragonfang just dropped off nefarion and notjones ninjaed it! Kick this asshole!

lol i was talking to ironstove but good luck with that search!

how's the dating scene in kansas?

Washes hands in sink after getting them all sticky with cum

Ironstove probably has at least 5 dead women in his basement just rotting. Not long until the cops get called due to the stench spreading.

So Jilsen you have the gold for the mats right? Mail it to notjones so he can get his Thunderfury.

Really based how ironstove starts talking about his online whore mail order website right after kittens responds to him saying - Yes i actually do have stage 3 breast cancer.

I don't know, I'm kinda repulsed by mid-westerners due to my west coast elitisism and am convinced women from there would try to use me as a one way ticket to get outta Dodge City

We had a lot of people come through Seattle from there over the last year and none of them wanted to go back lol

I will however give Kansas credit for being an ardent anti-slave state during the war, conducting murderous rampages through Missouri, and the historical success of the Jay Hawks basketball program

kansas fucking sucks lol we trounced them in the elite 8 last year


I too purport the values of anti-slavery erstwhile having a large multinational corportation dictate the locale where I eat, live, and sleep.

I've since been emancipated

A man’s soul rules from a cavern of bone, learns and judges through flesh-born windows. The heart is meat. The head is where the Man is.

my husband is dead. i only want SEX

I think you're being a bit harsh in your assessment of iST0VE's etiquette here considering we're dealing with class 3 and given that he went through the trouble of a little lite doxing to verify it beforehand

If this was class 4 then it would have been completely out of line