Who Stole Nma's Account: An Official Namafia Investigation

has his account been compromised? i’ve had a lengthy and private dm sessions with him. can a moderator lock the account?

Pretty hilarious how klaze always assumes I am at the heart of any mischief I can be loosely connected to on this site

In this case I am not even involved but I am sure now that it’s suggested it will become a big thing with several highly active users believing and posting about it

Can’t believe assoul would steal nmaganes identity so quickly

If you weren’t involved, how come your investigation has turned up nothing?

It be your own niggas

I don’t think asoul did it.
But he does know who did it and is leading us in a false investigation

I only devoted 2 hrs to this and already I have turned up information about Dan’s sexuality which I think you will all agree is very compelling

It’s sad that the trend of modding sexual deviants continues on this new site

Just another loss to the gay illuminati

I was denied modship for being a vanilla bean.

They laughed at me when I declined being into any of the listed kinks on the application

Imagine not being into letting girls make small incisions along your dick head in 2018 fucking kinkshamers

imagine not dating an herbivorous gf with blunted teeth more suitable for grinding plant matter and not ripping and tearing fleshy fibers

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anyone else got a ocean Asian gf?

two types of Asians, ocean Asians and jungle Asians

Counterpoint: Plains asians

Jing was 100% a plains Asian

he was from China making him an ocean Asian

China has plains idiot


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