Who Was The Better Admin?

rip Arron $pit-wad Stern

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J started off well. He definitely wanted for nadota to be something more than it was (a dying forum). He talked about making improvements. I think he was put off by how miserably he was treated by the community, but that was to be expected. I wonder if he had read nadota before purchasing it. After that his poor reputation really began rolling he was very hands off and hard to reach. Stopped caring. Eventually stopped showing up on the forum (he was never extremely active, but more active than most people think). Ultimately Iā€™ll say that J sucked and was the worst person for the job.

Weā€™re still outpacing the NADOTA plugins development time

I thought he was just a rando who got vietnamese ad money from those crawler bots in order to fund his cryptocurrency losses

Not a rando. He genuinely cared about nadota at the beginning and talked about his aspirations. He took our criticism a little too seriously.

I donā€™t think he could ā€œcareā€ about NADOTA if he purchased the name off Spitwad and then stopped hosting the forums entirely

I never really saw j posting much.

You must not of been on the site then.

You must not have been on the site then.

Was he treated miserably by the community?

I think people can joke around a little too much and can be prickly at times but I didnā€™t think he was roasted that badly until he had already stopped caring

Why is everyone so sensitive

Chill out itā€™s just life, youā€™ll be dead in 45 years anyway

Statistically someone that posted in this thread will be dead within 5 years.

He was on the forums more than you all saw but didnā€™t post outside of the mod forums much. Dude was soft.

Soft? I wouldnā€™t say Spitwad was ā€œhardā€, either. If you buy a website and propose a bunch of incremental changes youā€™re probably out to ā€œflipā€ or change whatever NADOTA had going for it. I think that was the purpose of J buying the site, he was passionate because his money was behind the site.

Got plenty of real shit to do rn

I will gladly take over admin rights to ban kaptenrobert outright

Hope so.

Forum killer forum killer!

We do not condone violence here at Namafia.com, but Jones is really fucking questionable and nobody can stop him once heā€™s done his research and selected somebody