Why having a high IQ sucks.

This is like in mw2 when you had to clear “new” out of every unlock for every prestige

Why do you consistently do reposts

I enjoy the image

When people don’t react to your post - It is because it is not funny

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Post for yourself and you realize that what other people find funny, does not matter

This is oddly existential

Can you stop retweeting my cumtown subreddit posts

He did it again

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That’s me

Thank you

FUCK no one realizes it I told Matt that a long time ago he didn’t believe I believed it

The reason this thread was created–derivative link from a cumtown post

Wish I were Asian with a bowlcut

That’s such a sick look the long ass LEGO bowlcut

Honesty Asians can pull off anyhtjing and look kind of cool. Except for puffy north faces nobody looks cool in those

The reason you’re so unrelatable has nothing to do with some massive perceived disparity in intelligence points you have between yourself and the regulars and has everything to do with you being a god damned fucking creep.

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Oh wow thank you for the insight. It’s really making me reconsider what I wrote in the OP of this thread

Especially considering it’s coming from a literal doxxer and abuser who openly posts comments about harassing and murdering people - thank you for the valuable insight
