Windows 3.1 was the last good version of Windows.

What do you mean?

You're an absolute fucking mongoloid

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iirc capitalism came out around the same time as win95


Can you be any more of a corporate shill dude

dude the oppressor is actually the oppressed :brainlet:

refpsis tongue has become permanently attached to the boot, uncle ruckus and the boot

Are you guys just taking any opportunity to roleplay on refpsi? Heā€™s saying that people should be more aware, nothing he said is wrong.

Unemployed people discuss the flaws of capitalism: Thread

Windows 3.1 is a symbol of anticapitalism.

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After thinking about it, I realized that every large coporation cant be blamed for not caring about consumers. Theyre entirely powerless, have no means to spread a message, and if anything are more people than people themselves are. Its entirely the peoples fault for not making the corporations change sooner and furthermore, youre a retard if you think Fudiciary Responsibility ever gets in the way of making the best decision for the consumer.

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Me & wintermute both agree with refspi and we are the only people with any lives here so you should listen to us

No need to start a standup comedy show when itā€™s pretty obvious what Refpsi meant. Even if he didnā€™t word it that well, he is basically calling for a revolution.

Yeah hes putting the onus on the consumer for not fixing the problem instead of taking a step back and realizing how impossible it is to do anything

Well if itā€™s impossible to do anything why care at all?

Itā€™s not impossible, it requires real change and not reformist liberal bulslhit

Real change wonā€™t happen if people donā€™t wake up, which is what refpsi is saying. Not sure why you just want to call him a bootlicker le brainlet when you really just agree.

No, I completely disagree, I blame the corporations 100% not the consumer lol

I think you didnā€™t understand what he said, or are intentionally trying to not understand it.
Heā€™s just saying that people should be more aware of what the corporations are doing. Nothing else.

"So when i used to think that late game capitalism is the big companies fault i would get mad as fuck, but then i realize late game capitalism is actually the consumers fault as long as the consumer knows that they operate just for profit, not knowing, not caring add just as much to the problem.

and slowly, i began to blame the companies less for squeezing profit out of the ones willing to throw money at them."

no, i completely understand it

it seems youā€™re the one having trouble comprehending this liberalism