Windows 3.1 was the last good version of Windows.

Okay, yeah. You cant exactly expect corporations to take a stance when its inherently risky to do so. Its just fucked that our government pretends fiduciary responsibility is in the best interest of our people and that we continue to allow lobbying and bipartisan politics to distract ourselves from the real problem that the US is falling pretty far behind in every other aspect besides bsuiness.

No, you’re just taking things literally for no reason other than to argue here. You can’t expect people to word everything perfectly, and you need to work out yourself what they mean and believe; and it’s pretty obvious that what Refpsi is saying is that yes, the corporations are not good, but just complaining isn’t going to help, and that people should be more aware and not feed into it.

Someday you guys will grow out of the angsty teen phase and submit to the system you were born into. You’ll become a cog in the machine because it’s the only way you know how to survive. You’re hopelessly dependant and have no sense of agency.

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This is also known as common sense.

Unemployed people use a forum during working hours: Thread

I’m not a cog in the machine and I’m surviving just fine.

Never thought id hear that from you. Not even a little shpeel on how the only way to destroy the system is from the inside. Now im depressed


@anon31000304 if you still don’t get it, I am not arguing about any of this; I am just pointing out how you’re just too eager to jump on refpsi for little reason, even when you’re on the same page for once.

I think id rather be an angsty irreverent manchild than some stoic cog. Atleast you have your values and stand by them there, versus admitting that the world doesnt care about you so why should you care about what you think either and just take it like a b*ch

You guys should vote for Bernie.

dont tell any of my dirty commie friends but i probably will vote for him in both elections if i can

hes old as fuck though

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It’s just that I have no faith in humanity coalescing around any sensible balance. Most people are just drones that are incapable of thinking for themselves, they’re dumb fickle things that are easily impregnated with ideas from the internet and media streams.

The political pendulum just keeps swinging back and forth left to right over and over.

Just abolish bipartisanship

Maybe that would mean idiotz would vote republican forever and more Trumps so i dunno. I just imagine forcing every conflict to come down to 2 sides isnt helping anybody develop crticial thinking skills or consider the best plan of action. Itd probably be easier to just crack down on Corruption but that wont solve people being drones.

That might be a start, but as far as I can tell coalition governments in Europe aren’t functioning much better than we are.

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The whole world is operating under one Internet Government. It doesn’t matter what country.

If only people used Windows 3.1 and Mosaic things would be different.

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Then they would be viewing the world through an objective lens and see it for what it really is.

lmfao how are so many communist mad about what i said?

is not what i said the reason you want communism? because you keep getting sold shitty planned obsolescence products by companies who dont care about you? Learn to use your fucking dollar to make them care you dip shits. When they start losing profits they start asking questions, when they start questioning why you can tell them and force them to improve for your sake.
I swear to god ya mofo’s dont read and really will find fault any anything i say because you really dont fucking think, instead you just associate anything i say with being retarded.

Capatilism in my opinion is the best worldly system because business rules. .You mother fuckers dont understand.

if you have rfucking rice and someone wants rice and they have bread you can make them give up some bread for rice if they want it so bad. You fuckers dont mind giving up 1000 rice grains for a crumb of bread because you dont fucking understand how money, trade, and business is a system of compromise between the seller and buyer. So you keep being a stupid fuck of a buyer and are mad that the seller is ripping you off.

Read my post instead of being dumb as fuck. The whole world will never be in your control but your control starts here.