Wintermute's Weekend Workshop

my thought was this is not going to be a self run bot. the host starts the bot and it may have to pass a parent game in for that day just once. never every command. i dunno if that is to hard or not

i dont think i plan on using redis either. i want to move the data to aws.

i think i want to use dynamodb like this or something.

redis is already running in your docker w discourse so it would be an integrated solution to use it

and doing explicit bot day handling seems ok. just seems like that’d be annoying for a host to ask every time for the bot to run since the bot is a QoL thing that the host should want around by default once we work out the kinks. but it would be much easier to bootstrap it your way proly

i don’t think you understand how everything is connected.

yeah maybe

Lynches have to be on their own line. So, it just goes to @mafiabot then pulls the string before the newline and processes that (unlynch, @playername, whatever)

Functionality: record lynches and unlynches. Can display the current Lynch totals and a players voting history. Commands will all start with @mafiabot on it’s own line followed by:

  • ‘unlynch’ - removes Lynch
  • ‘lynch @playername’ - removes previous Lynch if defined, places Lynch
  • ‘votecount’ - displays votecount and the players who voted
  • ‘votes @playername’ - displays player’s Lynch history with timestamps
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Lynches can only be placed if @playername matches someone who’s alive that day. Player voting history can be called on anyone who’s been in the game whether or not they’re still alive

Can we appoint someone to make sure this is all gdpr compliant

I think you make every mafiabot command its own unique post but I guess you have the other bot that already responds to random lines @discobot roll 1d6 in the middle of posts

:game_die: 4

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For the record @ethan @jones I really don’t know much of anything but I at least make things which makes me 1 level above the theorycrafters (you) in my humble opinion

I consider each of these features an exercise in what technology we can learn and was mainly interested in building something that empowers others to build random things

does this mean i need to maintain a list of alive players. we need a format to pass in players.

Yes, I figure that will also be manually done at the start of each day when the host passes in the game id

if i got time i will work ona poc hopefully this weekend. first steps in connecting my hubot to dyanmodb to even begin storing data. doesnt seem super hard but i am slightly retarded.

In terms of the json I outlined, the main objects are players with fields for each Lynch that each contain the player lynched and a timestamp. Just add an additional Boolean field ‘aluve’ to the player objects

so i want to be able to read past game data part of the reason i want to store in aws a way i know how to get data out of already.

I want to be able to query and get a game and each individual day of players and votes.

That’s why in my suggestion you have a separate indices for each gameday. So each index is ‘gameid-gameday’ and then is filled with player objects. You can then just dump the info from whichever index you want

i think i just need to read into it more. i want something like that.