Wintermute's Weekend Workshop

i was thinking multiple tables.

one for games
one for players

at the end host has to run a result command tbd how it works.

I only do consultancy; my stock rose significantly after the nadota wong-shop vulnerability I pulled off.


I will debug my solution once I #1 help my friend do subtitles on this week’s episode of Ten, #2 Respond to some emails, and #3 Complete my daily horse ASMR session.

one for games one for players sounds good

New thread rule is nobody is allowed to theorycraft anything without pairing it with actual proof of work

I will generate spoof data for you guys

Let me know how you want it

Your task is if you want to demonstrate how you think a table should work/want it to work you should just do it and post an image of what you’ve got here

Then we continue to fiddle with it

Wong shop vulnerability was 99% theorycraft 1% real work

I believe the thread title should be changed, as this workshop is no longer taking place during the weekend.

“workshop” implies “work,” none of which is actually being done outside of the hours of friday 5pm - monday - 7am

are you even paying these men overtime

or, as we like to say in the AWS Cloud (I’m extremely certified) * 17-24,0-7 ? * FRI-SUN, MON *


No wongs will be distributed until the work is Done

Please see these resources to understand the definition of Done, as we are defining it in this thread:

Yes, We are working in the Cloud - while Ethan is Stuck on the Ground - like an Ant

Can’t tell if this is making fun of agile or nmagane

no this is making fun of agile

i dont trust hypervisors

(posting from a pii)

Wish I could post from my Motorola 9100 or Omron 88k