world war 3 thread

Unfortunately I do because I have to work and take part of society to provide for myself

Not sure why that would affect what you believe personally. You're not talking about this to every client or coworker you meet.

The fact that I can’t means society is restraining me, I want these shackles to be removed so I can talk about the true nature of blacks with my coworkers

Just keep it to yourself and work on finding truth.

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the main issue is if you think the way society views blacks and homos is a problem you either have to go all-in on somehow fixing that (does not seem to be a viable project) or its just a power fantasy that someday you might be able to that's essentially a masturbatory hobby

The actual answer NMA is that my personal belief on these issues changes nothing, but when you have a large amount of people believing this then you have changes in government and society at large which effect me regardless of my beliefs

The true nature of blacks is what everyone says combined. I just outlined it above. You can agree with the based magapedes and the bluepilled libtards simultaneously, and reach the truth.

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I don’t think it is due to socioeconomic factors

I don’t think Sub Saharan Africa is a wasteland because white people colonized it 100 years ago

or it’s neither and you just… wish people treated each other better?

why do you always come up with these grand narratives that all basically end up saying the same thing

actively wanting good things to happen or god forbid talking about it is just selfish and attention seeking or something

it’s so fucking bizzare dude

it’s like you’re obsessed with “proving” that apathy and nihilism are the best ways to be

No, but there's a lot more to it than videogame-esque racial RPG stats.

im not speaking to your perspective in that post i was speaking more to yns and notjones'

i see

Also 100 years is literally nothing lol

lmao that filter

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this thread is putting me in a bad mood ill be back tomorrow

Changes in government and society? Oh no! I'm going to have to wait 30 years for things to change! Poor me.

postmodern masochism


Literally get over it, 30 years is nothing.