world war 3 thread

if military escalation leads to us dying off I’m guessing one of these will play a part

it’s heavily speculated russia has some of these on its typhoon class sub


That's not an invasion.

They moved into seperatist held areas aka not under Ukraine control.

Invasion would be them entering sovereign soil

Pointing out problems without suggesting and working for solutions is just mental masturbation.

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■■■'s fault

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Yeah I'm not sleeping tonight

theyre bombing cities and moving in forces

fake news

You think that fake news dropped Russian economy. 50% in 3 hours?

the jews did it

This guy is so lucky his country is already in nato

Fake news

Russia will do just fine

Oh look they bombed Lviv i have family 1.5 hr drive from there

Fake news still^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1496856725626007554|twgr^|twcon^s1_&

fake news cgi