WoW thread


Frost trap lol

i was pretty geared, 6/8 t2 with the other 2 slots being PvP gear for the 2 set bonus, didn't ever get the crossbow from BWL before i quit tho

was planning to get crossbow/ashkandi for fun, was next in line for ashkandi but quit before it dropped again

nah if I get charged and hamstringed i usually just die, after my trap runs out i just get intercepted and hamstrun again and then i usually die before they do

idk it was kinda 50/50 i did win a lot of 1v1s vs warriors even when they charged me, but I'm just saying I also lost sometimes esp. if the warrior was very geared and played well/used trinkets

depends if my scatter/trap into aimed shot/multishot gets any crits too

Lol just wear your PvP trinket any time you're in the open world. You can kite warriors so easily: once they blow intercept they're fucked. They're only gonna blow you up if they're arms specced, and a PVP specced hunter can deal with that

yeah i usually don't have it equipped outside of BGs

i have a macro for using my pvp trinket + drinking a swiftness pot that I fuck warriors hard with in BGs

I have it on 100% of the time I'm in the open world. Always gotta be ready for those ally shitters

night elf hunter wassup u can get this dick

feign death/shadowmelding to cancel polymorph casts is fun. mages usually panic and try to cast blizzard and then eat a fat multishot to the face and die

Have fun trying to do that when I one-shot you with chain lightning into nature's swiftness lightning bolt into earth shock (or if the first two don't do enough, flame shock to fuck your shadowmeld).

Though, I think hunters do win most 1v1 matchups, minus spriests obviously and maybe locks

laughs in viper sting

That's because, near as I can tell, no mage knows what the fuck to do outside of their rotation. It's funny as fuck watching them try to poly a druid

yeah mages are def. the lowest skilled class in classic

Poison cleansing totem lol

my giant bat will make short work of your pathetic totems

It tics immediately. I only need to put it down once for 78 mana

well i can just keep reapplying it, not like i'm gonna go oom