WoW thread

i'm running and kiting anyway spamming stings is not a big deal

Lol I'm never going out of him dropping that them. I have 107 mp5 lol


I play lock and lock v warrior (not in sl spec) feels like entirely rng if the ashkandi hoj one shots me or not.

at least when i was ranking might not be similar to wpvp

Lmao what warrior is using asscandy over BRE for PVP?

ones that dont have BRE presumably. when i was ranking i encounted asscandy way more often.

I guess all my raids have had more hunters than normal, cause asscandy definitely is a hunter weapon

#1 warlock server babyyyyyy

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imagine if i wasn't taking twin emps.

almost 10% above next parse might hold it dmf week. hoping to do better myself too.

Parsing AQ40 with 3 resto druids in your raid is fucking impossible jfc

I've just switched to trying to get orange and pink damage parses almost every fight

secured #1 parse probably until next DMF

synthetic locks are the main competition and they already raided this week : ). Feels good to have #1 and #2 parse on the server to both be my guild. #7 is also a guildie. we have sick locks.

ill never have all good parses until someone else tanks twin emps tho.

me beeg nub bad numbers cause reasons

nah man you pumped on huhu

as much as i love to jerk myself off the truth is there isn't much competition with warlocks cuz in like 60% of guilds they're just buff slaves. doing decent as a warrior is probably overall more impressive.

man its kinda lolzy we all ended up on different servers.

The problem with warrior is that on top of the standard rng that every class deals with.
I.e. Executes dodged, having 50% crit but only critting 15% of your hits.
On any given fight another warrior could've used their recklessness, and we use ours on hu hu every week so we dont have to gear swap.

Your parses should get better if you get those kill times down too you got some long ones in there. Though i guess a longer fight would produce better warrior parses if for example my guild sucked and execute hp lasted longer.

yea very true, if we could one phase c'thun for example that'd be pretty huge. hope we do it this week we got it really close last week

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we got it this week

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