My black friends: have kids even though they look like they're 17, post instagram stories brandishing a gun
Jones's black friends: Nmagane (coptic christian north-african aka not black), Brendan (pretended to be a "Black Conservative" online for like 2 weeks to troll Tariq Nasheed), "Charles" (old black man who waters trees for the landscaping company)
you're just one of the many unaware children that live off their parents and family, but consider yourself as not operating on a "gibsmedat" (?????) scale
as most people born to affluent parents or raised in affluent households do...
brain REALLY bad
Yeah there's zero difference between my parents (immediate bloodline, family) letting me live in their basement and the philosophical arguments arguing for the state to forcibly re-allocate resources to specific groups on the basis of amorphous, non-proveable, non-quantifiable elements of "injustice".