Yellow Submarine

My black friends: have kids even though they look like they're 17, post instagram stories brandishing a gun

Jones's black friends: Nmagane (coptic christian north-african aka not black), Brendan (pretended to be a "Black Conservative" online for like 2 weeks to troll Tariq Nasheed), "Charles" (old black man who waters trees for the landscaping company)

Looks like my fix for the Twitter embed worked poggers


You: not spending the weekend with your black friends.
Me: spending the weekend with my black friends.

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when did they add a LGBTQ+ category on the SBA??? lmao

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Is Jones role playing with himself


Don't you have a degree in philosophy? Haven't you read Rawls? Do you understand why he's wrong?

150 iq basement dwelling white trash will be up there soon enough

calling me white trash because I have black friends lol

dont insom me bro

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im flabbergasted and i have no right to be
i'm chortling at how ridiculous these responses are

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how are you so brain rot
how did those wires get so twisted

look it really doesn't matter im just typing in this box


It's just a symbiotic relationship -- the White Liberal Academic and the Minority have brokered a deal for "GibsMeDat" at a grand scale.


you're just one of the many unaware children that live off their parents and family, but consider yourself as not operating on a "gibsmedat" (?????) scale

as most people born to affluent parents or raised in affluent households do...
brain REALLY bad

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Yeah there's zero difference between my parents (immediate bloodline, family) letting me live in their basement and the philosophical arguments arguing for the state to forcibly re-allocate resources to specific groups on the basis of amorphous, non-proveable, non-quantifiable elements of "injustice".

No wonder you've never had a child.

You can't have a family structure because I don't!!