Don’t you think your own motivation in posting here - and that of your friends - is to make “Posts?”

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Not at all.

Surely it is. Or to antagonize others to make “Posts” - which is exactly the same thing.

Look at this funny thing I posted

Look at what he is saying in that thread

it’s just as pathetic and pointless as the people you are poking fun at to begin with.

I don’t fully get your mindset behind the post but my sense of humor online is very similar to that of real life.

And I really have no cause for causing others discomfort. Truly. I have a formula that if the laughs had is less than jokes expended then I won’t make it.

No it is not, and you are just making a scene trying to convince yourself it is when I already said that it isn’t.

I understand that, but I think you, like many others, are guilty of undervaluing suffering if you are not experiencing it first-hand.

I think this is a flaw many (if not all) people in life have.

That 's a reasonable thought. and have nothing against it.

But I gotta go to sleep like rn - if you got a big question ask now if not it’s gone forever - doubt I will browse this drunk ever again

Think, for example, how many times you, as a young man, were given advice to do the thing which you would not enjoy because someone decided it would be good in the long run. Was this good advice? Did it take into account your suffering? Why was it so much easier for someone else to make this decision for you than it was for you to decide yourself?

Perhaps I am projecting my own experiences with life too much on other people. But I think it is the case that people experience the same thing, for the most part. Anyone will tell you to do the “right” thing - but they would just as easily make the wrong decision if it was their own happiness at stake.


My parents tried to get me into clubs which would of helped long-riun but their neglect made it so I needed to find my own way. Didn’t really get this - one more question?

I agree with ths however - very drunk but read and agreed.

if you could go back and do it all over again what would you do differently?

Before I sleep I would appreciate a sincere quotable question

Let me know if the above does not pass muster.

Aw man - not to be a buzzkill but I really don’t know - my depression and retardness was essential to personla growth

Hmm, OK. Maybe you can think on it

Sometimes a good answer comes only with a fresh morning and a clear head. Sleep well

Dont think people on here try really hard to get likes or respect. There isnt a big enough userbase for that.