You say your friends in real life are well aware of your various shenanigans online - in that case, you probably are not as concerned as many other posters around here may be about the “online/irl separation”

Sorry. I just thought you were looking to answer some more personal questions.

Could you elaborate? I apologize I am usually perceptive but do not get the implication.

Did you play dark cloud 2

Well, I just figured it was kind of strange how people insist on separating their lives, hiding their true selves behind a veil, but then all that we do when we interact with each other is gradually pick apart/pull back that veil.

For example, some posters add nearly everyone on all social media, share with eachother their lives, but are still very persistent about being their “online persona” when they interact here - even though that interaction, boiled down to its purest form, is just an attempt to reveal oneself and get to know others at a basic level.

Never but I played briefly the first/

Sorry if this is too philosophical but I can see you are in some sort of mood

The second one was really good

Did you play anything in the hack series

Those were my favorite when I was a kid

I’d be more active in this thread but i’m too tired. Sorry

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Do you know mechagamezilla personally

Sorry I actually got what you meant whilst you were writing that but wanted more context regardless.

I have more online outlets than just namafia but I appreciate my sense of humour and so do my friends - I enjoy showing and explaining stuff when I feel it is particularly funny. I don’t view this forum stuff as some anonymouse deep secret - I have personally shown a lot of friends posts from here and they seem the humour.

However - there’s nothing wrong with online users trying to hide online persona’s… I think it’s beautiful that some more reclusive people have an emotional outlet and it is not in their interest to share it. I appreciate that but if I have a funny post I share it with my friends.

Post can’t be empty.

I think it is primarily motivated by fear. Fear of being “revealed” to be your true self. However isn’t that what we are really all working toward here? It’s a baseless and animal fear - we are better than this.

Many “posters” (The word you use here is very fitting - that’s what they see themselves as too. “Posters” is distinct from “users” and “members” in this sense) do not perceive this forum as that.
Look at someone like Klaze, many other examples but I won’t name names; to them this forum is a circus competition to make the “best posts”.

Not sure if this was a sufficient answer I’m sorry. Very drunk

no worries, all good. take care of your self ben

Thanks dan and you too obviously but I reckon I got another 20 minutes here.

No, it is a fine answer. I don’t like it but it is fine.

You are saying basically that it is a one-way street - if we divide “PassionForTrains” from “Benny,” you would share PassionforTrains with the people who know Benny (irl), but not the other way around.