"YourAnonCentral" is Soros/Antifa ran

Everyone is a capitalist in USA, but yes I am.

do you think it is good?

Sure beats the rest of the alternatives

Do you cut your own hair in the mirror?

So it is good that we can take our capital and spend it/invest it however we want?


Great. So George Soros is Numeta approved

What did your parents to do you?

Investment is good as long as you're not investing for nefarious deeds.

Bullied as a child because you are retarded but what did your parents do

who is the arbiter of what is nefarious?


Alex Jones is the arbiter

Numeta reads bill gates fan fiction

Infowars is all fan fiction

I'm going to nonstop post in all of Numeta threads be warned now

((they)) are pedogating vaccines.

Open your fucking eyes morons

I tried to write some bill gates fan fiction right now and I failed

ummmm if you fund jobless idiots who are paid to riot,protest and hurt people you are nefarious

If you crash currencies for shits and giggles, you are nefarious

If you work with Hillary clinton and company to steal children in Haiti for whatever reasons you can think of, you are nefarious

If you work with hillary clinton to steal funds from the haiti relief foundation and steal 95% of them you are nefarious

Stick me with your needle Billy

I need your stomach bile inside of me

Thank you Billy, did you turn on the microchip on?

The new world order THANKS!!! YOU for your service Billy