(5/9) Listle(?) Mafia™ Signup thread

I trust them as well.

I dunno if Aligjtsoul has access like I do but I’ve never cheated. Dunno if you can say the same

■■■ cheated and read the graveyard last game. I have never cheated in a mafia game and never will.


false but i won't say anything

I never cheated, but I did throw a game where Kyle tunneled me the whole game just to piss him off.


List 1 time I've cheated.

no comment

Well. Looks like that was fake news!

I think this is probably correct and a bad reason to allow scum on the NK list


discussing mafia outside of the game is considered cheating. nothing fake about it

@mafiabot sign


Nma can I take this to 8v3?

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You might have to lengthen the scum kill list

Which may resolve concerns around stalemate.

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Why can’t the list just include the full list of players

Because the game guaranteed ended after 5 NKs. there is no scenario where it takes more than 5.


And yes that does take into account skipped kills because a skip gives +1 lynch death into the equation.

So for 11 players 7 would be fine right? Don’t you make the stalemate bug with the mafia on the list tho

There's no such thing as a stalemate. You're being trolled. The game ends with parity (2v2, 3v3, 1v1)

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I guess not

What do you think of 8v3 7k then