Amateur Programmer Thread

these languages become awful when you start to have to verify every crate for Gubment nonsense... people LOVE Boost in the DoD.

i've never really used python outside of really specific instances (i make my git hooks in python cuz i never really got good at bash syntax), but I think cargo is super neat.

i kinda sometimes wish there were jobs for me in newer languages, but pretty much all game engines are written in c++ so that's basically what i'm going to be working in. even unity which uses c# for scripting was written in c++ so when doing engine level tweaks you still use it

i think a lot of it is just wasting my time doing Amateur Programming in the Amateur Programming thread in functional and functional influenced languages. You just end up passing anything with the function signature of f -> a -> b to map. Names don't mean much and you end up relying on the type system.

when ive used rust like just for hobby/personal project stuff ive really enjoyed it. i'm not as anti oop as the internet is these days, i actually like oop for a lot of things. (yes ill give the common meme caviats of never use double inheritance ect), but its nice to use something like rust. i feel like maybe if i used it a lot more i'd prefer that design pattern.

C++ is just a garbage language that attempts? to maintain backwards compatability.

i imagine after doing it a while your brain just kinda gets used to it. for me i find hard to read scripts like this at a glance and know what they do, but maybe that's mostly a factor of not working with it much.

i imagine you super disagree but im actually a big c#/java fan and wish i could work in those languages more.

my extra spicy take is that unity woudl be a way way better engine if it was entirely written in c# instead of being a gross c++/c# hybrid. Godot is making the same mistake rn imo and im kinda sad about it.

but yea i also think c++ sucks. its like not even a good version of what its trying to be.

ALSO okay pet peeve, but

wtf is up with c++ developers and doing shit like



in their header files. like bruh, i can read and know that these are functions and these are variables. stop taking up my screen space.

30-40 years ago when C++ doesn't have decades of baggage to deal with, there's an actual market for compilers (rather than only having GCC/LLVM) and there's a wider target for processors: would put pressure on the stdlib to be smaller/weaker.

JAVA - managed language, targeting a VM -> massive stdlib.

Modern C++ is fine: It is fast, powerful and easy to use.

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I think you are correct, but for game development you forgot one: Dynamic AABB trees.

Those in PyVN?

There's only three data structures: Map, Set, and Vec. And their probabilistic counterparts (Count Min Sketch, Bloom Filter, Skip List). And their LockFree counterparts (IDK, IDK, IDK).

No, I agree, I don't use anything but maps/sets/arrays and dynamic aabb trees.

I hope I get more used to it. I really liked working with it in unreal with their smart pointers and data structs. Just feels annoying to now be using it without those additions.

Are you still working on games? Why are you using C++ and NOT UE4?

Yea I'm still in games and because my new job (haven't started yet but will soon) is a legacy game with a 10 year old proprietary engine built in c++... pain

its the old c++ and lua combo that was really popular in like the mid to late 2000s. not something i'm a huge fan of lol

Yeah, I'm surprised they haven't made the switch to UE4 or another big engine. My first job was a proprietary engine written in pure C. That was traumatic.