im technically unemployed until mid august! but fair enough
You're right, Von. I don't even like programming much anyway, it is just a means to an end. I was hoping the OP would come in and degrade me.
you seem to like it a lot you basically do it for free
a means to an end: f*g ass video games.
What a coincidence... Von and I are also indie game devs.
what's his most recent publishing?
creative involvement doesn't count
I’m a web monkey so I wouldn’t know but theoretically you could use alternative naming conventions within c++ somehow right?
Why not?
Don’t listen to the haters!
It's still in development. We're amateurs after all.
true true similar to me developing the machine that peels your balls from your thighs when playing defense of the ancients the second
I hope you two will share it when it's ready.
no not at all lol, but the c++ book ive been reading through does
truly function name is all that matters: no parameters, no function return value. LMAO
this moron is making fun of me in teamspeak for "typesystem" and every function he writes is void Name() { ... }