Amateur Programmer Thread

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That’s a pretty funny fact

Maybe she made up the schizo story but if it was false they prolly wouldn’t have pulled it down for her

Even if it were true it does feel like an “im so special” attitude to imagine your voice as universally harmonious. She must be one of those people who love hearing her own voice played back

She’s clearly never heard my voice. Hmph

Dems flipped pro crypto

Joe has purchased my vote once more

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if he appeals the stupid trump tech tax ill gladly give him my vote

im glad we fucked over mom and pop businesses and then found the next best small target. im sure that will be good long term for US innovation.

I'm voting Biden because I think the US will collapse if he gets another 4 years.

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thats what htey want you to think.

No they would rather kill themselves (or me) than have me associate with them -- I say the n-word way too casually.

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thats what they want you to think.
(this is the answer to everything you say. give up. you can't win this debate)

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My non-technical timewaster PM (who I want removed from the project) said the n-word out loud to me multiple times in the office last week

We have these little office booths that look like seats in a diner (they built a new office and moved in, probably some McKinsey study somewhere says you need Diner Booths in your Open Office Floor Plan to convince employees to commute in after the plandemic)

We're sitting in the diner booth over by the data science crew (surprisingly, the most women out of any technical dept in the company) and he's explaining to me that quebecois (where he's from) used to be considered the "White ■■■■■■■ of America" and there is a very good book that somebody has written (he said the title again here) laying out how they were effectively a disadvantaged minority - and, therefore, he should be a beneficiary of the company's DEI program rather than just another White Male Oppressor

Then he explained that he got pulled into HR once already this week for talking too loud in the Open Office Floor Plan which we agreed was Their Problem, Not His

This is all just to explain to jones that you can say the n-word and still be a functioning member of society

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You can say the n-word and be a Non-Technical Timewaster PM