Anti Trumpism general

there's something especially insidious and evil about the way Nixon campaigned on his "peace with honor" schtick, but then did the exact opposite of what he said he would by expanding the scope of the war in a highly erratic way all the while trying to hide this escalation from congress and the public

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Yeah and build pipes from canada for your oil just don't bomb us

Caffeine pills. Snort them. game changing

the united states is the largest producer of oil in the world and has no use for sour canadian tar sand sludge

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stop crying about keystone xl and biuld a fucking pipe over to vancouver idiot

BC is too hippie to allow that

USA needs to do art of war properly. First take everyone's resources b4 you mine your own

dont do that im big into clean energy stocks

we're transitioning to mining space rocks after the grand plan to extract all the lithium buried in afghanistan went nowhere

it's easier than dealing with pashtun warlords

ya'll just elected biden. Thats literally not going to happen.

seems plausible to me

I mean that wasn't a serious post, but also try to remember that you're a stupid polack crane man and that Biden wants to convert the entire gov fleet of vehicles to electric and that it was Obama that essentially created the civilian commercial space industry in 2009


Trump would be making hydrogen space taxi tanks by now

Trump did literally nothing in office his entire time dude. Nothing

He ate a lot of cheeseberders.

he was president up until 42 days ago

are you suggesting he only needed another 42 days in office to realize the dream of hydrogen space taxis?

I cried when Obama cancelled the Constellation program

We fucking could have had this:

and instead we got some slackjawed fuckwad from paypal that's built a bizarre cult of personality around himself where somehow every time a rocket of his FUCKING EXPLODES the goal posts are shifted and it's declared a resounding success!

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He worked on his stroke