ARENA FPS thread

You’re only embarrassing yourself - are you a regular on 4chan perchance? You seem to act just like one - a teenager - despite being (guessing from how you look) at least 30 years old.

Ur so obviously bitter after what’s transpired the last few days and I so obviously don’t care a shit about you - probably my favorite part

Are you also into politics - and very vocal about your opinions? Not surprising. Thanks for letting everyone know.

Here’s a good compilation of our friend here looking like a fuckkng moron and turning into a brick walls ladies and squirms

Absolute degenerate idiot. Best part is u could still admit u were wrong and apologize and I’d be cool with you but you wanna hold some dumb grudge like a 19 year old woman ROFL

Also combo breaker again, the site has said he’s been replying this whole time

Dumbfuck here just can’t handle being wrong so uhhhh yea

Explain how I would be “bitter” - you’re just posting screenshots. Good thing you saved them so you could look back in a year or two and see how I’m right though.
Everyone on the forum agrees with me - and everyone on the forum sees how you’re only here for attention and in a desperate attempt to get stream viewers. Why don’t you give up? It’s not going to work…

Thank u for visiting this epic style ted talk Xd


Build the Wall, Boys


I took 2 minutes to take screenshots on my phone - I the idiot here for sure

That’s a non sequitur.

Re-read my post if you think that this is an appropriate response.

Yes I Apologize For My Non-Sequitur Sir. (wow man, big fancy smart guy term there btw :open_mouth: )

I am Truly A Fucking idiot for Wanting to Talk about Videogames That I personally Enjoy Rofl

what a sad, strange little man you are lol

emphasis on little cuz im sure youre like 160 pounds dripping wet and a little cocksucker in general