ARENA FPS thread

oh boy whats he gonna come up with for this reply guys lets all find out together!!!

what sentence is he gonna spew up now with his 4 minutes of response time??? XD

Tick, Tock… Tick, Tock…

we’re all here mr resident coolguy that has the exact profile picture fuckign spitwad used to use ROFL are u this desperate to seem “old and kewl” and “knowledgeable about na dota” and “not a 2018er” as the kids say these days? XDDDDD

okay im done i promise but let the record show hes been “replying” this whole time and hasnt said a god damn thing of substance

First off - that’s not what you’re here for. If you were only here for honest discussion you wouldn’t be making threads about yourself and your stream, and spamming other threads for no purpose other than attention.
Second, I have repeatedly explained the situation with Dota in the other thread so there’s no need to explain it again.
and finally, you can’t dismiss your conversational mistakes by claiming to be stupid (“durr I don’t understand what non sequitur means”).

maybe the 3rd time we meet in the wild on this website you wont insist on looklin like such an idiot :slight_smile:

sure whatever yada yada yada

It took me less than 30 seconds to write the above post - you’re just lying in a desperation attempt.

deflect and change the subject from what a sad little faggot you are as a human being in general

sorry dont want to use that word but he fits the bill :) ROFL im lying in a desperation attempt

“desperation attempt” well this would certainly look like projection in some eyes…

tick tick tick tick… chris berman… tick tock little guy

are you enough of a man to apologize or will we continue to bicker like 16 year old girls? :slight_smile:

sorry this is just me lying again about your response times hahahahaXD

Notice how he spams incessantly and cannot write more than one sentence per post - as if this forum was his personal Discord room.
A terrible sad headcase - simply looking for attention. Not the first or the last…

“A terrible Sad Headcase - simply looking for attnetion. Not the first or the last” … yes again im sorry for ruining your kewl kids klub you wily genius internet veteran you. ill certainly think twice before crossing you ever again dude! XD god almighty rofl u should be studied for case files no joke my dude

Unlike you I read every one of your posts before replying, so you making new ones will only delay my response.


the reason i spam is because this website has a cooldown on posts - so im showing that while i list off 8 posts of making you look like a fucking idiot, you look even dumber when you come with some weaktit bullshit non-sequetur (WOW, BIG SMART GUY PSYCHOLOGY 101 TERM RIGHT HERE WOW LOL)