ARENA FPS thread

ah there w e go, a psychology journal Xd cant say im surprised


He seems personally offended.

Did I miss something elsewhere?

20 posts later that was a pretty good one man im proud of u that wouldve been decent like 500 posts ago between the two of us :slight_smile:

A psychology journal? You clearly canā€™t read. Look again.

ok for real gonna go eat breakfast and stuff. and yes youre missing something. go read my threads if u have 10 minutes u will not be disappointed :slight_smile:

Ah Yes, SOrry Dude, Lol Haa

Why do you keep repeating this as it means anything? Itā€™s really just sad at this point. Spamming is not helping you - five hundred posts - or even if it was five thousand.

ā€œEat breakfastā€

Itā€™s 11:18 in Chicago. Thatā€™s closer to lunch though Iā€™m sure on a week-day you didnā€™t have any real scheduling or plans as you come across as socially unaware and frustrated.

i live in olympia, WA

Like most adults I eat breakfast at 7:00

in my own apartment that i pay for with my full-time jobā€¦ not sure our friend here would know much about that life thoughā€¦ tendies and all :/

You havenā€™t left for your ā€œfull-timeā€ job despite it being a week-day and past 9am? Interestingā€¦

Ah Cool Sick Man i did Too when i worked my job 8-5 in My Department Office does that Make me Cool now Lol we live Life similarly haha wow! lol apparently theres m ore than just 2 ā€œwintermutesā€ on this website. not to be surprising but ah well. time to eat

i told you u missed something u faggot go fucking read the thread ive already told u to read

I have my own apartment (apartment block actually) and a full time job, and I am content and secure enough that I do not look for other sources of income such as twitch and ā€œsemi pro dotaā€ - you need to act like an adult.

and then youll realize how dumb you look rn too but not nearly as dumb as this other insufferable mongrel

Agreed. Being 23 and still playing DoTa (whilst clawing for social and capital gain through streaming?) screams desperation to me and Iā€™m his minor. Even Iā€™ve grown up by this age.

(apartment block actually) WOW! congrats ur a functioning fuckign human being. i am being an adult as ive pointed out many times - gave u like 10 opportunities at least to apologize and let it all blow over but ur actling like too much of a bitch whiney 19 year old woman so this is still going on

even in other threads that dont involve it in anyway. i know u think ur real funny mister passionforsins and ur prolly backing up one of ur ā€œfriendsā€ here but seriously just take 5-10 mins to skim thru the first thread lmao