ARENA FPS thread

All Will Become Clear In Due Time :slight_smile:

Itā€™s not really that comedic a claim to point out the very glaring flaw in playing DoTa to the extend that you would stream past your teenage years.

Iā€™m sure youā€™re trying a ā€œI wear my weaknesses as armour!ā€ approach but itā€™s not really working - combined with your forced and uninteresting personality and failed stream: it just paints you as a loser.

Those two obviously being related as nobody wants to watch some loser talk to themself for hours on end.

one last post before breakfast since ur apparently a fucking brick wall too (thats 3 i count on this website so far for the record). seriously just read the god damn thread. i understand w.e ur prolly assuming but take 5 mins so u dont look as dumb as this other fuckign idiot. okay have a good one boys :slight_smile:

Sorry For Being Some Loser that just Talks to themself for Hours man. Everything is so Cynical and SHitty and Bad and Hopeless all the Time in Life, Afterall, Lol. i forget this is the website where a few of u unironically talk about valve jews or some other goofy shit. gotta try to remember how fuckin stupid at least half of u are both in life and in dota :slight_smile:

I did read the thread - you come off as dull, uninspired, run of the mill (by this sites standards). I then looked at your stream bio and concluded that you are at a dead end, lack of real career, no real life obligations, boring and not particularly stand-outish.

ā€œicefrog is a figment of ur imaginationā€ on its way soon im sure. time for breakfast :slight_smile:

I don't expect an apology from you - just telling you the truth is enough for me. No matter how you act, you know that I'm right - and your poor self-esteem is stinking the thread.

I have quite an optimistic outlook on life.

sure cool dude good to know ur opinion. u have an opinion adn thats that, best part is that if u dont like me u dont have to watch!!! i just dont want this moron to vomit up every thread i decide to post in like he has pretty much so far rofl

im sure u do and so do i :) our friend however definitely by provable mesures does not which is very sad. again if heā€™d just apologize i wouldnt care but again 19 year old girl mentality etc

You're the one vomiting in this thread.

Finally - an actual argument and not just spam. If you donā€™t want him to follow you around then stop appearing so easily rattled.

Itā€™s not rocket science

yes sorry for having the audacity, no, the TEMERITY to even imply that either of those games could be ocnsidered an arena shooter in some way lmfao

breakfast time i promise

I have the least cynical and most optimistic view on life on the forum - just because it's not convenient to you doesn't mean it's cynical.

im not even rattled i said it in the other thread - i find it too funny to string people like him along and argue a little bit. (before it goes too far and my boy Donny T helps me out with the brick walls ya feel)