ARENA FPS thread

but ya thank you for at least looking at this objectively mr passionfortrains. i dont need everyone to like me i just need a few morons to not follow me around like im a leper when im clearly not lmfao. my history with both this game and this website is undeniable. cocksucker here just wont leave me alone for some reason

note how he ignores any attempts at apology, redemption, etc. i even threw him a bone (twice) to prove in some way that i suck at dota and should never stream it. which he has yet to do because he cannot

u enjoy ur day and enjoy ur trains good sir :slight_smile:

And you shouldn't try to use it - so transparently and greedily - for profit, by spamming the forum to get stream attention.


yes i apologize for not doing something that im objectively in the 99th percentile at completely for free. sorry for wanting to make a living that ill enjoy more than my 8-5 weekday cubicle job! :slight_smile:

sorry for bringing up a little buzz both to help my stream and to let old friends/associates know im around again!! lol

If you're having problems with him I seriously suggest looking into the personality type.

What are you even talking about? I never told you not to stream - just not to spam this forum for attention and act like a normal person. It's a forum not an advertising board.

Sorry for Being Such a Greedy Capitalist Pig with my Talents man. I should go live In Beautiful Socialist utopia Venezuela or maybe just go kick it with the comrades in eastern europe Xd

no you clearly at the start of that thread think that me streaming is idiotic and you try your hardest to mock me so you look cool infront of your friends. then when you look dumb in that thread (or at least realize u look dumb, prolly around the time noblewingz took my side not urs)

now seriously dude fuck off leave me alone let me live my life and you live yours lol we done now?

Hello? Are we cool, mister spit-wad profile picture - desperate wannabe? :slight_smile:

3k mmr is 99th percentile - you’re not really saying much here.
Again, I am not criticizing your decision to stream (although that is worthy more criticism than anything) - I am only trying to help you understand why Dota is a suboptimal game and how your efforts are extremely transparent on this forum.

well im helping you understand why dota is beautiful and amazing and teaches you many things about life. if you could get over yourself youd realize that and maybe even stop by the stream and learn something for ur future games :slight_smile:

No - I clearly said that I thought that you coming to the forum simply to advertise is "idiotic"/.

are we cool or what. like even now ya im fucking aware that 3k mmr is 99th percentile. i was fucking 7.8k before miracle or anyone on this planet ever hit 9k. like why should i not stream lol

well yes it was advertisement and i can definitely see how that might come off wrong to some people for sure

we all good dude? lol?

Spoken like a true Reddit Dota 2 User hahahahaha. You certainly need to grow.