mov ax, 07C0h ; Set up 4K stack space after this bootloader
add ax, 288 ; (4096 + 512) / 16 bytes per paragraph
mov ss, ax
mov sp, 4096
mov ax, 07C0h ; Set data segment to where we're loaded
mov ds, ax
mov si, text_string ; Put string position into SI
call print_string ; Call our string-printing routine
;mov dh, 1
;mov dl, 0
;mov si, text_string2;
;call print_string_pos
;call os_print_newline
;mov si, text_string
;call print_string
jmp $ ; Jump here - infinite loop!
text_string db 'This is my cool new OS!', 0
text_string2 db 'Big kek 69',0
print_string_pos: ; Routine: output string in SI to screen
mov ah, 02h ;move cursor function
int 10h ;move it
mov ah, 0Eh ; int 10h ‘print char’ function
lodsb ; Get character from string
<16:04:37> notjones: wtf is ss
<16:04:52> notjones: what register
<16:04:53> notjones: is ss
<16:04:59> notjones: sp -> stack pointer
i think im owed an apology from the forum considering I:
told nmagane to not troll him before the cops incident, immediately after i invited him to the teamspeak to play low priority
attempted to de-escalate the situation after nmaGane personally called the cops to his home under the guise of a concerned neighbor and then contacted the rental company the following morning to complain and ask for his eviction.