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how should I learn russian? I only know some of the curse words, hello, how are you, goodbye, "good" and guodmorning

Russian resources are lacking unfortunately, but the Teach Yourself textbook/audio series is usually decent and duolingo to supplement is fine.

I dabbled in Russian but I didnt use English resources.

All my whining isnt to say you cant learn with Pimsleur. It just bugs me to no end how they get away with their price tag given all thats available out there and how dated the method is.


If you find a good resource give me a link. We can learn Russian together, shit talking each other for hours over the phone

I heard Russian Rocket is pretty good but I dont know if its pirateable. I will say that its atleast straightforward to learn Russian, you can pretty much use any resource as long as youre doing this SRS shit. And of course if you want to be proficient practicing with a friend thats learning too is half decent but you should really try to find a native speaker to practice with. theyd help you work on different important elements like pronounciation and maybe theyd teach u a bit of the nonformal stuff too.

yes I would never learn such classic sayings like polny pizdets without a Russian roommate

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I'll take a look at it when I get a chance. I mostly just wanted a head start on it because I have to take a language for my degree and will probably choose Russian tbh. Already have trouble learning languages and trying to do that with hard classes will be rough xd

turns in jdance

Well youre choosing a harder 1 lol. I probably wouldnt do Russian if youre not very good at being bilingual like me and they wanr you to learn a lot. Id do Spanish or French

That's some gay ass languages right there. I don't have a problem learning the writing/reading part it's all pronunciation

OK js cuz u said you thought itd be too much work. I think Russians a little gay too personally like why should i learn it over something potentially useful

I guess if you want a beautiful white foreign wife who wants out or to use it whenever you run into a Russian its good. But id do italiano instead cuz hot chicks and there might be tech work there in the future. I dont think id ever move to Russia, the weather sucks and everyones a cold asshole

I want to learn Russian because there’s a million ruskis that live in LA and like everyone I know is Russian

Russian definitely has the 2nd highest potential business opportunities behind China but I'm not learning Chinese. I don't think I'd live in Russia and probably not any of the surrounding Slavic areas but I could def see myself working with them at some point and it being useful

Plus Russian sounds cool. Can fuck with people much better than speaking Italian or Spanish

Russian is extremely useful. English proficiency in the Russian speaking world is super low relative to the other european language speakers.

What is more useful or whatever depends on the person yada yada but it is worth pointing out that the United States will be the largest Spanish speaking country in the world by number of speakers in the near future. Our education system failed us monolingual English speaking Americans.

bro I’m not trying to learn any more of that dirty language let them speak it together

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I don't like learning it either tbh all european languages are boring to learn to me.

russian is an awful language but pretty useful i think